Bleaching Earth

Bleaching earth, also known as activated clay or fuller’s earth, is a type of clay that is commonly used in the refining and purification of oils and fats. It is called “bleaching earth” because it has the ability to bleach or remove color pigments and impurities from oils and fats.


The bleaching earth is used in the refining of vegetable oils and animal fats for human consumption. The absorbent capacity of the bleaching earth removes the impurities and unwanted matter, such as coloring substances, soaps, proteins, and others, found in oils and fats. GALLEARTH grades are made from selective bentonite clay and consist of fine-bleaching earth powders with high adsorption capacity. GALLEARTH series are developed to ensure high levels of performance when used by refineries. Our research and Technical team partner with clients to focus on the development of optimized solutions for oil refining requirements. Offering a range of product solutions in the industry and we are committed to continued efforts in developing newer solutions to purify edible oils for the future.


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